Saturday, May 3, 2008

Breakfast w/the Kids

A few mornings ago, the kids and I started the day in the usual way: Jimmy wakes up saying, "Mommy...Daddy...Moooooommmmmyyyyy....Daaaaaddddddyyy". After a few minutes of this, I usually roll out of bed all groggy and sleepy-eyed. As soon as I open the door, I hear, "Hi Daddy!" from Jimmy. One time he even said, "Party!" out of the clear blue.

After a quick diaper change, we head into the office and get Mary Kate. One thing is constant about Mary Kate's wake-up routine: the smile. She smiles as big as her face will allow when we enter the room to get her. With both kids in my arms, we head for the kitchen, fill up our babas (daddy's is hot...careful) and head for the living room to shake off the cobwebs.

This picture catches up to us after the babas and right as we sit down to eat some oatmeal, chopped up strawberries and blackberries, and possibly some baby food for MK. I setup the shot using lighting from the wooden-slotted windowshades and used the -10 second timer. I can't believe I got both kids to look right at the lens for the shot.

Here's to great wake ups!
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